Japanese (ja) translation group

Guidelines for Japanese translation group (draft)

General information

  • We use Transifex as the translation platform.
  • If you find any problems in translated strings, please add a comment on Transifex as an issue. If you find difficulties in translation due to the structure of source code, please fill an issue on GitHub.
  • If you find a term translated inconsistently, please let us know. After we agree with a canonical translation, a translator with Transifex account will add it to glossary on Transifex.
  • Do not use automatic translation service like Google Translation.
    EULA of these services are sometimes incompatible with open source licenses. If you are 100% sure that any specific service is open source compatible so we can use it for Indico translation, please let us know.
  • Currently, Japanese translation data are not released as part of the official Indico distribution. To test Japanese user interface on your Indico instance, please read Translation workflow? thread.

Translation guidelines

There are many Japanese translation guidelines. Until we find the optimal one for user interface, we use Japanese Standard Style Guide by Japan Translation Federation (version 2.3).

For the guideline of Katakana transcription, we use Loanwords (Katakana) Transcription Guideline by Japan Technical Communicators Association (third edition) as it is referred by JTF Japanese Standard Style Guide v2.3.

In addition to the style guide, there are some remarks.

  • 説明文では敬体を、ボタンやメニュー項目のラベルでは常体を使います。
  • ボタンやメニュー項目のラベルが動詞で終わり、なおかつその動詞が「する」で終わるとき、その「する」を省略します。
  • ボタンやメニュー項目のラベルが分詞で終わるとき、「している」「される」に類する接尾辞を省略する場合があります。
    例:protected → 保護(メニュー項目のラベル)
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