Indico Sprint Day

This thread is meant for the discussions regarding the organization of the sprint day that will take place on the 25th of March following the Indico Workshop event.

Here we can discuss what will be done on that day.

So far these are the ideas that we’ve got:

  • Integration with Zoom and Alfresco;
  • VAT logic + invoices;
  • Translation testbed + environment;
  • Extending user attributes + per-role menus;
  • Improvements in registration import/export;
  • Finishing up badge field placeholder PR;
  • Human Rights ( not sure what this one means exactly ).

as mentioned in the main workshop thread by @pferreir .


thanks for the update. As for the possible topics, I gave my two cents below:

  • Integration with Zoom and Alfresco;
  • isn’t there video chat already implemented by you at cern? Alfresco sounds interesting, but haven’t gotten in touch with it. Maybe the author can share his use case?
  • VAT logic + invoices;
  • especially possibility for storing a vat rate is key for any commercial conference and something not easily done with a plugin. As for the invoices, I think this can be handled in a plugin. Might be a thing on top of vat logic. This was my proposal :wink:
  • Translation testbed + environment;
  • can’t this be done in a proper development environment already? Maybe I am thinking too easy here
  • Extending user attributes + per-role menus;
  • interesting aspect, but needs to be specified.
  • Improvements in registration import/export

Definitely worth doing / completing

  • Finishing up badge field placeholder PR;

Same here

  • Human Rights ( not sure what this one means exactly ).

Maybe GDPR logic for regforms is meant?

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Definetely interested, especially the invoice part.

Should be relatively easy to finish (mainly mapping of choices needs to be tested)

This one may take longer to get fully ready, but I think many aspects can be briefly discussed at least.


Yes, we’ve got Vidyo. But Zoom seems to be becoming quite popular, so it could be a good fit.