Delete accounts

Is there a way to disable/delete an account using the GUI for administrators oe even for a user delete is own account?

Best regards,

No, hard-deleting accounts may not even be possible since it would result in inconsistencies if the user has already been involved in events.

If it’s a new account (e.g. registered by some spammer) you can try deleting it via indico shell:

u = User.get(USERID)

In case the user has already ties that cannot simply be removed/deleted, this operation will simply fail (with nothing changed in the DB).

Alternatively you can soft-delete a user by setting their is_deleted property to True and committing that. This will hide the user across indico.

See also this thread: How do I delete a user in version 2.0.3 of Indico?, it still applies to the current versions.

With the GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulation ) should Indico allow a user to Delete or Disable is own account, or at least allow a admin to disable is own account in the same way that an account is created, this means through the GUI?

Best regards,

IANAL but deleting accounts is not necessarily needed: Removing personal data (such as name and email) from an account, effectively anonymizing it, would be enough. So we would more likely add a feature that can delete an unused account or otherwise anonymize it (and then soft-delete it).

However, while we would love to add more GDPR-related features (account deletion is one of the less important ones, because in the few cases where people may ask for this, it could be done manually), we currently do not have the resources for this, and the interest from external contributors for such features seem to be rather low…