Change/fix time of all (scheduled) contributions

Dear Indico community,

Using Indico v3.2.2 ( drafting the time table, sometimes moving a contribution to another day, it’s put before the actual starting time of the event. (For example, it starts at noon, but you move an event from the morning of next day at 9 a. m. to the starting day, then the starting time of the whole event is changed to let’s say 9 a. m…) Then moving that contribution to the correct time, and changing the event’s start time back to 12 a. m., all scheduled contributions are shifted by these three hours, which is unexpected and unwanted. We do not use session blocks for this event, and just scheduled the contributions. Is there a way to fix the time with having to manually drag and drop them?

Kind regards,


IIRC we only shift later contributions when holding the shift key while doing drag&drop, and when editing the time via the dialog instead of drag&drop there should be a toggle whether or not to shift later contributions…

Same when editing the event start time - you can disable shifting timetable entries there.

Dear @ThiefMaster,

Thank you for the swift reply. Now, I saw the button/switch. It’s translated as Tagesordnung aktualisieren, confusing me, as in the navigation timetable is translated as Zeitplan. I know, switched the start time back to the wrong time, and then back again without updating the timetable. Thank you again.

Kind regards,


…reasons not to use translated indico… :smiley:

if you aren’t a contributor on transifex (where you could open an issue and/or fix it yourself), maybe you can mention this mis-translation in German (de) translation group / Deutschsprachige Übersetzergruppe?

Yes, our glossary was not always respected and probably not complete at the time of the initial translation of one of them.
To the defense of the translators, let’s mention that original Indico uses “agenda” and “timetable” as well. :wink:

But thanks for reporting. Now that we try to maintain a “90% translated” level for some languages, we come to the finetuning, disambiguation and personal taste (like “der Speaker” vs. “das SprecherIn”).