Select All Button in RB Export

Hey there,

In the “List of Rooms” view of the Room Booking module one of the available actions is to export a CSV/XLSX file of selected rooms for a given time period. This function is very useful for us. However, as far as I can see, one has to individually select the rooms featured in the exported file one by one.

I was wondering whether there is a specific reason to not feature a “(Un-) Select All” button that adds/removes all of the displayed rooms to/from the export. If there is any interest in adding such a button, I would be happy to create a PR but it’s just a couple lines of code so I am a bit unsure if I’m missing something^^

Kind regards and enjoy your day :slight_smile:

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Hey Michi,

Sure! This feature sounds pretty useful - feel free to send us a PR, and we will be more than happy to review it.


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