Room Booking: add attachment extra field into room booking form

How I can add extra filed to room booking. I would like to let the user attach a document when he wants to book a room. How I can do this if possible.


No, this is not possible, and it would also require rather big changes that could not easily be done from within a plugin.

Thanks, event if I just need to add only one file.

can we attach the file with a booking/pre-booking email without store it in the database?


Not sure what you mean. There is no option to attach a file to those emails.

I mean we just allow the user to upload the file to front end and attach it with first booking/per booking email that send to the user.


There is no option in the frontend to upload a file. If you are fine with editing the code (which would be a bit of a mess when you update to a newer version), then attaching a file to an email would not be too hard though.

Thanks for your help. After indico 2.3 released I will edit the code and add the file attache to room booking.

from where I should start if I need to edit the code to add an attachment file to room booking email.
