Registration mail customisation

For us it’s quite often that users ask to change the registration mail.
Be it that they don’t use the system for an event but instead for a grant application or that they want the mail in another language.
Sometimes they also want to enter a bigger text in the message for complete registrations, but since you can’t format there it ends up kind of ugly.
As far as I could see the only way to change it is for us admins to do it in the customization and add a conditional for the event.
Would it be possible to change it so that you can instead edit it in the same kind of editor that you use when you go to the registrations and then actions->Email?
That would solve both issues at once.
(If this is better suited for Github I’ll post it there instead)

Dear @Bauer_DKFZ we have the same problem.
It is really difficult to setup Indico for our conference, with those kind of basic emails.

Have you found any solution?


We are running into the same issue. We urgently need to setup an event for a French event and the emails sent about the registration seem to be in English, no matter what the default event language is. Is there a way to fix this without too much tweaking of Indico or without writing specific code?

Thanks in advance for your help. Cheers,


We added the option to set a default event language and enforce that language in the latest version (3.2.3). However, I just realized we haven’t actually included the French translations for those emails in that release.

I’m attaching a Python wheel here which does contain them (besides that it’s it’s 3.2.3 and some small bugfixes from after the release). Feel free to install that and test it - feedback would be appreciated!

indico-3.2.4.dev0+202303091113.974b49c440-py3-none-any.whl (42.8 MB)

Thanks! I’ll do it and let you know.

@ThiefMaster I confirm that it works like a charm!