Hi everyone,
I’ve received a Let’s Encrypt email saying they will stop notifying users about impeding SSL renewals, which got me looking when my instance certificate was expiring, which is April.
From what I understand, Indico runs a certbot to automate renewal. Is that indeed the case?
Is there a command to check that it does indeed run?
The last thread on the topic is from 2021 so things might be outdated and I want to make sure I don’t run into issues when it happens.
Many thanks!
Indico does not run anything TLS-related itself.
However, as part of the setup guide we recommend installing let’s encrypt and enabling the cronjob for automated renewals:
systemctl start certbot.timer
systemctl enable certbot.timer
So yes, you should get the certificate renewed automatically. In fact, if it’s been more than 3 months that you installed your Indico server, and still have a valid certificate, it’s all fine and you have automated renewals (LE certs are valid for 3 months, and get renewed every 2 months).
I haven’t had to worry about it for a while and I remember setting it up back then, which is most likely why I got the email in the first place. But I had never received a notification email from LE before so it got me doubting.
Thanks for replying so fast 
They used to send emails about expiration - so not having received one was good. This one is just one they sent to everyone because they’re discontinuing those notifications.
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