My name is Jacek Ciura and I am admin at Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. We are running Indico ver. 1.2.1rc10 (https://indico.ifj.edu.pl).
During migration to the 2.0 (stable) release, the process is interrupted with an error message:
(psycopg2.IntegrityError) new row for relation “menu_entries” violates check constraint “ck_menu_entries_title_not_empty”
DETAIL: Failing row contains (3660, null, 70, f, , null, 24, f, null, null, 48, 5).
[SQL: ‘INSERT INTO events.menu_entries (parent_id, event_id, is_enabled, title, name, position, new_tab, link_url, plugin, page_id, type) VALUES (%(parent_id)s, %(event_id)s, %(is_enabled)s, %(title)s, %(name)s, %(position)s, %(new_tab)s, %(link_url)s, %(plugin)s, %(page_id)s, %(type)s) RETURNING events.menu_entries.id’] [parameters: {‘is_enabled’: False, ‘name’: None, ‘plugin’: None, ‘event_id’: 70, ‘page_id’: 48, ‘link_url’: None, ‘title’: u’', ‘parent_id’: None, ‘position’: 24, ‘new_tab’: False, ‘type’: <MenuEntryType.page: 5>}]
At the address indico-migrate 1.0 / indico 2.0 · GitHub there is a debug.txt file
The command to start the migration process:
indico-migrate postgresql:///indico file:///opt/indico-legacy/db/Data.fs --archive-dir /opt/indico-legacy/archive --storage-backend legacy --default-email noreply-indico@ifj.edu.pl --default-currency EUR --symlink-target ~/archive/legacy_symlinks --symlink-backend legacy-symlinks
Any help would be greatly appreciated