Migration from CentOS 7 to Rocky 9

we currently have an Indico instance v3.2.9 running on a CentOS 7 and we would like to create a new Rocky Linux 9.x VM and migrate to the last version of Indico.

Are the following steps safe?

  1. Install Indico (the latest version, 3.3.1) on the Rocky Linux 9 VM using the new docs (Rocky with Apache) and stop before the wizard (last instruction is “pip install indico”)

  2. pg_dump from CentOS 7 VM and pg_restore on Rocky 9 VM

  3. Launch “indico db upgrade” and “indico db --all-plugins upgrade” on Rocky 9 VM

  4. Copy attachments, conf and logs from CentOS 7 VM to Rocky 9 VM as reported here

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,
Cristiano Urban.

Hi, please have a look at the guide here: Upgrade — Indico 3.3.1 documentation

The steps referenced on Upgrade — Indico 3.3.1 documentation still apply:

  • Instead of running indico db prepare, restore a dump of your old Postgres database
  • You still need to run indico setup wizard to create some of the directories, but compare the generated config file with your old one and update any settings you may have changed manually (e.g. for LDAP or SSO authentication)
  • You need to perform the database structure upgrades just like during any other Indico upgrade: indico db upgrade and indico db --all-plugins upgrade
  • Copy the contents of the /opt/indico/archive folder from your old instance and ensure owner, group and permissions are correct. This step is critical as this folder contains all the files uploaded to Indico

Thank you very much,
it worked fine.
