Migration Bdd after installation Indico 3.x

I have installed Indico 3.x on a new server. How can I transfert my event from the old indico 2.x to the new one 3.x ?

Thanks, Regards.


You need to pg_restore the postgres dump from the old server into the DB on your new server (assuming you use the default local postgres) and copy the archive folder (or whatever storage backend folders you had configured on the previous server).

Thank you, have a good day.


After I have restore the dump from the old server, lots of error messages appear. The structure of the database, table… is not the same.
I check the differences.
Have you a script to update the data base ?

Did you forget to run indico db upgrade? :wink:

Otherwise please show the actual errors you get…

Yes, I haven’t knowledge of this. I try :slight_smile: