Migration 1.2 to 2.X failed for legacy contribution type, timetable fails to load

Hello All,
I am successfully able to migrate from 1.2 to 2.X, except for an event that has many contributions. the migration.log is:

root@suse /opt/indico # cat migration.log

× [global_pre] No valid IPs found
! [users] Skipping 113 - not activated
✓ [users] Added new system user: <User(123, None): "Indico System">
!      5  menus       Page has no title; using dummy
×      5  abstract    Legacy contribution type not found: <persistent broken MaKaC.conference.ContributionType instance '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02j)'>
×      5  abstract    Legacy contribution type not found: <persistent broken MaKaC.conference.ContributionType instance '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02i\xce'>
×      5  abstract    Legacy contribution type not found: <persistent broken MaKaC.conference.ContributionType instance '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02j)'>

In addition, upon migration, event timetables result in a spinning wheel with text ‘Building Timetable’.

Any thoughts with this and thank you,

Legacy contribution type not found

Does it cause the migration to fail? According to the code it shouldn’t, so it’s safe to ignore. It just means the abstract will not have a custom contribution type set.

In addition, upon migration, event timetables result in a spinning wheel with text ‘Building Timetable’.

Check your JS console for errors. Also, on which version are you? Did you finish the upgrade to 3.3.5 afterwards? It does not make much sense to try to get the v2.0 web interface to run properly.

Yes - I did upgrade to 3.3.5 successfully.

I found the issue - there is no failure in Indico. It is a failure in my URL rewrite.
For this migrated event, the Agenda URL in the display-view is ‘…/indico/event/5/timetable’
and it is actually going to that link and not rewriting to
‘…/event/5/timetable’. All other links are rewritten removing the ^/indico/…
This is on nginx.

Thank you,

Disregard all. Thanks for the fast reply.

Migration all worked from 1.2 to 3.3.5. The issue was in an explicit agenda link which included the /indico/ subdirectory in link.

Everything is working.

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