Managed Configuration for Check In App


we want to use the Indico Check In App for our event. We distribute apps through a MDM (Mobile Device Management) solution. The MDM solution allows us to submit “managed configurations” for apps installed through the MDM.

Would it be possible to add the possibility to configure event information by managed configurations - or is the source of the Android App somewhere available so that I can create a fork?

No, and in fact we’ll deprecate/discontinue the native app in favor of a PWA, most likely with the next release.

In any case, the code of the current app can be found on GitHub.

Also keep in mind that regardless of how you deploy the app, the user will nonetheless need to log in to Indico within the app - the setup QR code does not include credentials that grant access to the event (or its registrants management)!

Thank you!

The possibility to automatically enroll the app and the settings on new devices is really great - but I totally agree that a PWA has other advantages.

Submitting the credentials by managed configuration may in fact be a problem.