Mail to Judge when submitting an new Paper does't work


My system is so configured that an abstract can be submitted first. The submission of an abstract works fine. If the abstract is accepted you can submit a paper.

The call for abstracts is configured so that a notification is sent to the judge when a new paper is submitted. However, this mail is not sent. All other notification e-mails work (all mails in the Call for Abstracts system, as well as the notification about the assignment of reviews and the decision about the paper in the Call for Papers system). Only the mails when submitting a new paper to Judge does not work. What can I do to make this notification work?

@ThiefMaster, maybe do you have any idea to solve this problem? Thanks.

There is no link between the abstract and paper reviewing modules. So it would be helpful to know what exactly you configured… because this is not something that even exists in indico:

The call for abstracts is configured so that a notification is sent to the judge when a new paper is submitted.

Thanks for the response @ThiefMaster

Here you can see my settings what I tried to describe above:

In this constellation, judges are not notified at all when a paper is submitted although this option is checked in the settings.

A new paper submission can never be notified there because you do not have a judge at this point. But when a new revision for an existing paper (after a judge requested changes) has been submitted, it should work…

I have a similar question so I didn’t want to open an new topic.
We have running call for abstracts working just fine. After abstracts are accepted, authors are called to submit their papers and they receive e-mail notification.
When they submit their paper how can conference organizer or any other person (Paper managers, Judges) be notified in order to assign reviewers to papers? Is this possible? Also it would be a good confirmation for the submitter also to receive e-mail upon successful paper upload (submission).

Also, for the Peer Reviewing module, how can I edit/modify the email template that is being sent?
Is it possible to customize it through opt/indico/custom folder similar to theme files?

Kind regards,
