Indico Shell or SQL database for abstract review score data extraction?

Happy new year Indico Community!

I have a conference where the organizers would like to perform some statistical analyses on the abstract review scores following the review process. From what I can tell, there is no way through the webUI to download the data in a csv or json. So, I’m looking for alternatives.

Would Indico Shell be a good way to do this, and if so, is there a recent manual somewhere? Or, am I doomed to create an SQL query to extract the data?

The data needed is (pseudocode):
“reviewerid, abstractid, reviewquestionid, score”

Does that sound like something that would be easy to do?

You can get the JSON from there. IIRC it contains all the details you need.

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Wow, thanks! Yes that got me everything I needed and then some. I must have only looked at CSV there, the JSON has much more data available.

Thanks a million!

Yes, CSV/Excel have to be simple because neither support nested/structured data in any sane way. But with JSON we can pretty much dump everything we have :slight_smile:

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