Indico 2.1 [stable]

We are officially releasing Indico 2.1, which includes, among others, the following improvements:

  • New event role management interface;
  • New “Protection” page, based on event roles and fine-grained permissions;
  • Ability to import registrants from a CSV file;
  • Ability to import contributions (including time information) from a CSV file;
  • Contribution cloning;
  • Custom session types;
  • Additional options in abstract/contribution types and fields, allowing control of their visibility;

The full changelog can be found here.

A few screenshots



Participant Roles

New Abstract/Paper question types

Private Abstract/Contribution Types


Abstract Fields (visibility)


Importing registrants from CSV


Upgrade indico-plugins

Requirement not upgraded as not directly required: vine>=1.1.3 in ./.venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages (from amqp<3.0,>=2.1.4->kombu<5.0,>=4.0.2->celery==4.1.0->indico>=2.1->indico-plugins) (1.1.4)
indico-migrate 1.0 has requirement indico<2.1.dev0,>=2.0, but you'll have indico 2.1 which is incompatible. 

when upgrading from 2.0.1 to 2.1 …so for 1.2 users they have to upgrade first to 2.0.1 ?

Migrating from 1.2 to anything >=2.1 is not possible and will never be - so yes, they will have to install 2.0.x first. I actually added a notice about this to the migration docs yesterday.

You can safely ignore the warning about the incompatibility, or even just pip uninstall -y indico-migrate to get rid of the migration tool since you probably don’t need it again.

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We just released v2.1.1, containing some bugfixes and small improvements:


  • Add a privacy policy page linked from the footer
  • Terms & Conditions can now link to an external URL
  • Show a warning to all admins if Celery is not running or outdated
  • Add registration ID placeholder for badges


  • Fix alignment issue in the “Indico Weeks View” timetable theme
  • Reset visibility when cloning an event to a different category

We just released v2.1.2, again with bugfixes and small improvements:


  • Show email address for non-anonymous survey submissions


  • Show question description in survey results
  • Allow paper managers to submit paper revisions
  • Fix error when not providing a URL for privacy policy or terms
  • Use consistent order for privacy/terms links in the footer
  • Fix cloning of locked events

We released Indico 2.1.3. It’s primarily a bugfix release, fixing both security issues and other bugs.

Security fixes

  • Only return timetable entries for the current session when updating a session through the timetable
  • Prevent session managers/coordinators from modifying certain timetable entries or scheduling contributions not assigned to their session
  • Restrict access to timetable entry details to users who are authorized to see them


  • Improve survey result display
  • Improve email validation for registrations


  • Point to correct day in “edit session timetable” link
  • Fix error when exporting abstracts with review questions to JSON
  • Point the timetable to correct day in the session details
  • Fix massive performance issue on the material package page in big events
  • Fix error when using the checkin app to mark someone as checked in
  • Fix error when a session coordinator tries changing the color of a break using the color picker in the balloon’s tooltip