Import registrants from CSV File

Hi. I am using indico 3.3.4. while importing csv file with exactly 6 columns for registration I get error “Something went wrong Row 1: invalid e-mail address”.

Any help in this regard will highly be appreciated.

can you (privately if needed) shared the failing file (the failing line would be sufficient as long as you still get the error with just that line)?

I using .csv file with exprted from other inico instance or created in notepad with .csv extension.
Here is exmaple:
First Name,Last Name,Affiliation,Position,Phone Number,E-mail

If I remember correctl, the file should not have header row ( “E-mail” is probably raising the error.)

Yes. The export is NOT compatible with the import. It’s not a means to transfer registrations, it’s to import registrations coming from some other system.

You can, however, use some tool like Excel to bring the exported file in the correct format for importing. The expected column order is described in the import dialog.

Thank. can to give me one example for excel file.

You need a plain csv file with the required colums without headings.


I think I should try to work on

to improve the import/export experience ( if you add more required fields to the regform currently the import could also fail)

Yes. It works with plain csv file without headings. If you get any help regarding adding more fields/columns in .csv file or importing exect .csv file of registrants from one event to other event, please let us know.
Thanks a lot.

As I am using indico 3.3.4, to make some changes so that I can import more than 6 desired fields, where should be the code? I have installed this version from indico official website. Thanks

This would be a rather complex change since any custom fields have no unique way to match them to columns in a CSV file.

Thanks. But can you give me path where code resides to do this. As I am using indico 3.3.4 installed from “Installation guides — Indico 3.3.5 documentation”.

The function that imports registrations from CSV is import_registrations_from_csv.
