I'd like to allow plain indico users to add materials to the conference


I’m managing my own instance of indico and I would like to allow plain indico users (not administrators/event administrators) to add “Materials” to the conference. By default this does not seem possible. My indico version is the latest one (downloaded a couple of weeks ago).

I would really appreciate your help

Przemyslaw Tokarski
NCBJ Lodz, Poland

Hi, you can add them with “submit” privileges to the event. That way they can upload materials to the event itself.

You can also add them with the same privileges to a contribution - that way they can upload materials for the given contribution.

Where can I set submit event privileges?

Manage -> Protection. Add them to the ACL and then edit the entry to include submit privs.

Unfortunately I can not find the tab/menu Manage. Where is it exactly?

Go to the event, and click the edit/pen button on top to get in the management area of the event. Then click “Protection” in the menu on the left.

I’m on the ‘Event protection tab’. Below there categories: Permissions, Session coordinator rights, Under Persmissions I there is only one user (Indico adminstrator). What should I do here?

It’s right at the beginning of that page:

I can see it, but I don’t know what to do to on that tab to accomplish my goal of allowing plain indico users to add “materials” to the conference :frowning:

Add the user, click the edit icon next to their entry, and enable “submission” in the dialog:


Hej Przemek,

rozumiem, że chcesz umożliwić taką funkcję wszystkim użytkownikom poza tymi, którzy są adminami, tak?
Jeśli tak, to trzeba to jakoś obejść, bo na ten moment musiałbyś dodać tych wszystkich użytkowników jeden po drugim i nadać im prawa Submission. Najlepiej by było utworzyć grupę, która składałaby się z takich użytkowników i dodać ją do tej listy widocznej na jednym z obrazków powyżej. Problem z tym jest taki, że taka grupa musiałaby być aktualizowana za każdym razem gdy zostanie utworzony nowy użytkownik aby została zachowana spójność w systemie.


Voila, it worked :). However there immediately appears another question. How to enable users to create the accounts by themselves to have that capability without needingg to add them them manually? Maybe that quiestion had been already answered by user ‘kolodzie’ :slight_smile:

Creating a group with the users would be a solution. However, someone still needs to make sure the correct users are in this group.

OK, I understand. Anyway, thank You very much for your time and patience :). You’ve been very helpful.

Best regards,
Przemysław Tokarski
NCBJ Lodz,

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