Is there a way to configure different account ID/API Username/API Password and assign one by one to a conference or must I set up different Terminals for one account ID/API Username/API Password to get the payments assigned to different conferences?
As payment is a somewhat critical part, any guidance is much appreciated.
regards, Felix
You can set the sixpay account id on the Indico event level.
The sixpay API username/password can only be set globally though, you cannot override this on the event level.
So using the payment function in a tenent deployment of indico is not possible, because the owner of the account id account sees all the transactions made by the terminals and only that account can transfer money to the different bank accounts of the events.
Have I got it right?
Yes, Indico is not really meant to be a true multi-tentant system. Better to run separate Indico instances for different tenants.
When using payment its obviously mandatory but otherwise we have made good experiences with managing subtrees by rights for different customers.
Thx for your help.