How to disable *Register now* box on Web page

Using Indico 3.2.0, I fail to find the switch to disable the Register now info box on the Web site. We have a form to sign-up to a mailing list implemented as a registration form, but we put the link to it on the page ourselves.

I don’t think there’s an option for it (or has been previously). We show this UI element if the registration form is either “open” or the user is registered.

Thank you for the quick response. Could the text be customized to avoid confusion in our case?

not for an individual event. technically you can use template customizations to override this block in the relevant template, but that’d require hardcoding an event id check…

                        {% block register_now_button_text %}
                            {%- if is_form_moderated %}
                                {%- trans %}Apply now{% endtrans %}
                            {%- else %}
                                {%- trans %}Register now{% endtrans %}
                            {%- endif -%}
                        {% endblock %}

The problem with making such texts customizable is always that this would break i18n…

Thank you for the clarification. I created feature request #5476, Unable to disable registration info box on Web page.

Another solution should be adding display: none to the CSS of .action-box.highlight. I have to look more into that.

That’s a good point, especially since you can do it yourself in just that event (if it’s a “conference”-type event). Just make sure to be as explicit as possible with the CSS selector - we just had a ticket here a few days ago where someone was also hiding action/message boxes and ended up hiding useful information :wink: