Hide Papers in contribution view

Hi everyone,

I would like to hide the papers on the bottom of the contribution detail page (e.g. www.indico.tld/event/1/contributions/1/).
Is there a simple solution? Of course, we would not like to intervene in the review process and set all papers to not accepted or sth like that.
Maybe I do not see a checkbox or something like that to suppress the appearence of the paper.

Thanks in advance!

Hey @schumja, as far as I can tell after having a quick look at the code it is not possible at the moment. You would have to either delete the code responsible for that (which is pretty easy in this case) or add a configuration option in the CfP module which would specify whether Indico should show a list of papers on the Contribution page.

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Hey @kolodzie, thank you for your quick response.
The configuration option woul be a great feauter for future. But for now, we probably will just felete the code.
Am I right, that we have to delete in file indico/modules/events/contributions/templates/display/contribution_display.html lines 245-247?

Yeah, that is the right file :wink:

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