I’m trying out Indico, and after installing it I have no issues to retrieve users or groups.
But as my organisation’s LDAP contains the relationship between both entities in group objects (‘memberUid’ field) and not user objects (‘memberOf’ as listed in the documentation) Indico has no clue (nor i do) on how to make the connection. Thus I have only empty groups.
As far as I could search, I didn’t find means to turn it around so Indico will look up something like '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=john.doe)).
As I’m fairly new to Indico and testing it out, I didn’t feel diving in plugin edition. Would there be a simple mean of doing so with already existing plugin or settings ?
If I had to go the plugin way, what would be the recommended way ? Listenning to some signals and calling LDAP myself, or overriding existing functions ?
Thanks a lot for your help and time.