Export event logs?

If you wouldn’t mind my chiming in with a related but tangential question - I can’t seem to find a way to export the logs from an event? Have I missed something completely? Thank you.

Do you mean the logs available in the management view of an event (or category)? There’s no function to export those.

Yes, that’s what I was looking for. I combed over them manually. Maybe this will be one of the updates in 2024. Thanks for your help anyway, TM.

There are no plans to add an export for those logs. What’s your usecase?

Anyway, writing a plugin to add this functionality would not be too hard.

It’s relatively niche, most likely. Our conference wants to recognize people who contribute in various roles, and exporting the logs seemed a simple way to gather that information. Our NPO in Japan has set up a server here and we are training people from various groups within the organization in how to set up and use Indico for various local, regional and national events. I’ll be conducting workshops on the basics and wanted to recommend a workflow on this that was fairly simple to pull off.