Since Indico doesn’t support double blind review, and it doesn’t seem to be supported in the near future, can it be achieved through customization? I noticed that the only place where the reviewer can see the author’s name is in the reviewing area, can this page be customized to hide the author’s name? The submissions are viewed using the macro render_user_papers_list
, is there a way to redefine this macro (through customization) to hide the paper author when the user viewing it is a reviewer?
The double blind review is a very important feature that I really surprised that it is not supported by Indico.
I have the same question. Did you solved the problem?
No, unfortunately. I’m looking for a plugin developer to implement it if it’s possible.
I heard that the peer review process for articles can now be done anonymously. Unfortunately, this function does not yet exist for the “Call for Abstracts”. I would be happy if someone would implement this!
We have the same problem for our conference. We would like to do a blind review of abstracts.
Our big thanks go to the colleagues at WWU Münster who helped us and showed us a procedure (that was found out by TU Dresden).
It is not perfect, because the data can be seen in the source code, but via customisation a CSS file can be uploaded, which hides fields like author, mail etc. for reviewers.
But it would be very good if INDICO had corresponding processes.
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Hier zwei passende Erklärvideos allerdings auf Deutsch. Wenn es ein besseres Handling gibt, wäre das sehr hilfreich, zudem ist im Quelltext denoch alles sichtbar.
Gutachter zu Tracks zusammenstellen und Beiträge zuweisen:
CSS für Blind Review:
Großer Dank an den Kollegen vom medienlaborsport, der sich die Zeit genommen hat mir alles zu erklären.
PS: Bei Fragen dazu am besten meine Unimail kontaktieren, in diesem Forum werde ich eher selten sein…
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Thanks for sharing the solution. Where can I download the CSS file? Thanks.
I also thank you for the solution shared with CSS, but I would like to ask if a native solution has been implemented within INDICO or if there is a plugin that can be loaded into the platform.