Double blind review process for abstracts

Is it possible to implement a double blind review process for submissions to an indico managed conference?

I’m especially interested in implementing a workflow, where participants may submit a contribution already containing a detailed description of what they’re planing to do. These should then be peer reviewed (double blindly) and the top ranked contributions will then be accepted into the conference.

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That sounds like abstract reviewing. We don’t have double-blind abstract reviewing yet, though. People have suggested it in the past but there are currently no plans to implement it anytime soon.

Hi there
I wanted to say that this would be a really handy feature for a conference that we’re organising here in Australia, and if you had any idea about the amount of work required and what it might cost, that would be something we could possibly discuss.

Thanks, I would like to have this feature, too.
Is there a related Feature Request on Github to track this? Or should we open one?

Maybe this one?

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