Creating an event via HTTP API


I am trying to use the HTTP API to both pull and push data about events in a given category. Using a token, I am able to fetch existing events and to modify them (update the title, the speakers, etc.).

To update an existing event, I followed the idea described here: using my browser’s tools to get the form data sent, and then reproducing the same POST request.

What I want to do now is to create a new event (still in the same category). To achieve that, I opened Firefox’s tools and created a new event on Indico to see the form that is sent in such a case. However, trying to reproduce the request led to nothing.

I’m using Python, with the package requests to send a POST request to /event/create/lecture, with an Authorization header containing my token. I send all the fields I see in Firefox, but all I get in response is an HTML which seems to be Indico’s homepage.

At this point, I just have no idea about what is happening, as I follow the exact same process as for the other forms. Is there something I can do to at least understand the issue?

Thanks in advance!

Please share your code (with the token censored). This will be much more useful than a textual description of what you’re sending.

Anyway, if you look through the HTML you’ll actually find the validation errors somewhere. If you want to be lazy, save the HTML response to a file and open it in a browser.

Below is the code I’m using to test the request.

import json
import requests

url = ''

headers = {
	'Authorization': 'Bearer MY_TOKEN'

cat_data = {
	'id': 535,
	'title': 'Séminaire MAC'

dt_data = [
		'date': '2024-07-14',
		'time': '09:00',
		'duration': 60

location_data = {
	'address': '',
	'inheriting': False

data = {
	'event-creation-create_booking': 'false',
	'event-creation-category': json.dumps(cat_data, ensure_ascii = False),
	'event-creation-title': 'Test',
	'event-creation-occurrences': json.dumps(dt_data, ensure_ascii = False),
	'event-creation-timezone': 'Europe/Paris',
	'event-creation-location_data': json.dumps(location_data, ensure_ascii = False),
	'event-creation-person_link_data': '[]',
	'event-creation-protection_mode': 'inheriting',
	'event-creation-description': '',
	'event-creation-theme': ''

res =, headers = headers, data = data)

I don’t see anything special in the output, it seems that it’s nothing but the homepage.

maybe you can share the HTML response? :wink:

Oh, I was sure I did it… Below is the full response.

I replaced two details by comments to be under the characters number limit (they are related to the language).

<!DOCTYPE html>

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Queries:         13
Duration (sql):  0.010091s
Duration (req):  0.064192s
Endpoint:        categories.display
RH:              indico.modules.categories.controllers.display.RHDisplayCategory
RH:              indico.modules.categories.controllers.display.RHDisplayCategory

That implies you were back on the category display page.

And indeed, when checking the code I noticed that we have this check…

        if not request.is_xhr:
            return redirect(url_for_index(_anchor=f'create-event:{}'))

You can pass this check by sending X-Requested-With: xmlhttprequest in the headers (in addition to the auth header you already have).

Indeed, it now works. Thank you very much!

Hello @FlinxFR, @ThiefMaster,

Would you be able to share a more complete version of the code? I am trying to do the same thing (to move our seminar archive from 2002 onto our indico instance) but I am not very experienced with the API.