Contribution certificate

Hello everyone
I am struggling to get certificates for contributers not attendance.
I already read the docs here Creating a Template - Learning Indico
I also found this issue Add ability to issue attendance+presentation certificates · Issue #5060 · indico/indico · GitHub
I prefered to continue the discussion here since the issue is closed.
What I mean : a contributer that made presentations in different sessions will get a certificate for each presentation.
I looked at the documents templates.
What am I missing?

Thanks for clarifying this

There are no certificates based on contributions. They are tied to registrations, but you could add some freetext that lets you specify details about their contributions. However, you would need to generate those one by one (so ideally just for those who request one specifically, and give the others a generic one that just references the event itself)

Thanks, so what I was looking for doesn’t exist in indico.
Then I will export the list of contributions with the names of the contributers in csv and use a pdf template for creating these certificates.
To explain why do these certificates are needed for us : I manage the website for our medical scientific organisation (in Tunisia, North Africa). In medical studies every contribution counts in the CV and require a justification.