Centos7 to AlmaLinux 9 with leapp --then indico upgrade

Possibly foolishly, I decided to try upgrading my Indico 3.2.8 running on Centos7 to Indico3.3 in-place using leapp.

I successfully brought the system to AlmaLinux 9 and am trying to follow the steps in the indico upgrade guide.

I fail on
indico setup upgrade-python --force-version 3.12

It turns out that pyenv does not see python 3.12. I’ve tried
pyenv update
but that gives

Updating /opt/indico/.pyenv...
From https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv
 * branch              master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 ! [rejected]          v2.3.35    -> v2.3.35  (would clobber existing tag)

and there is no change in the behavior of pyenv. That is, it still doesn’t see python 3.12.

Easiest solution would be to just rm -rf ~/.pyenv and reinstalling it using curl -L https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer/raw/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash

Then pyenv install 3.12 to install the latest 3.12.

You MAY be able to use indico setup upgrade-python --force-version 3.12 if you also pyenv install 3.9 but I’d just rm -rf ~/.venv as well and recreate the venv on 3.12 - it will be wiped and recreated by the upgrade-python script anyway.

Thanks, that did it. I was reluctant to just start deleting stuff, but it looks like everything has survived the upgrade.