Can we input registrations information in customize messages?

We are using Indico 2.3.5.

In “Registration” - “General settings”, we can modify messages for pending/unpaid/complete registrations.

Now we think that it is useful to input registrations information ( e.g. “First Name”, “Family Name” and “ID” ) in customize messages.

Can we do that ?
If yes, how can we do that ?

The emails generated are a bit more complex, what you can enter is just the part that is the ‘additional information’. So the emails are already personalized and contain a summary as well.

From the template (src/indico/modules/events/registration/templates/emails/registration_creation_to_registrant.html):

{% block registration_header -%}
    {% set event = registration.registration_form.event %}
    <p>Dear {{ registration.full_name }},</p>
        {% block registration_header_text %}
            Thank you! Your registration {{ render_registration_info() }}
            has been received.
            {{ render_text_pending() }}
            {{ render_text_unpaid() }}
        {% endblock %}
    {% if == 'pending' %}
        {{ registration.registration_form.message_pending | markdown }}
    {% elif == 'unpaid' %}
        {{ registration.registration_form.message_unpaid | markdown }}
    {% elif == 'complete' %}
        {{ registration.registration_form.message_complete | markdown }}
    {% endif %}
{%- endblock %}

Sorry for my delay.

I understand.
Thank you for your answer.