Avoid notification emails ending up i spam folder at recipients

Hi, we are new to Indico. I noticed that the verification emails that where sent out had a spam flag when received in one of the email adresses we tested. Ist here any advice on how to solve this?

What are you using as the sender address? If you use one from a domain where SPF records don’t allow the mail server used by your indico instance to send emails, this could result in those emails being flagged as spam.

Do you know what SPF record the domain shuld contain to allow for Indico to send emails or if it is a SPF record that is added to stop the emails from being delivered ok?

It worked ok when sending to a 365 accountm but it where flagged as potential SPAM by gmail.

Assuming this is your own Indico instance, only you or whoever set up your indico instance and the mail server you use can answer this…