Authorisation to take and publish photos

Dear Indico-Communtiy,

does anyone has an idea or experience on how to get an authorisation to take photos of participants and speakers during a workshop? Do you think it is enough to print the following text on the ticket:

“The Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (MITP) will be responsible for taking photographs at this event. These will be published on the Indico website of the event and possibly on the MITP homepage. Participants should be aware that they may appear in these images.
By checking in to this event, you automatically grant Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz permission to use these images and recordings for event-related, non-commercial purposes.”

If they do not agree, they can tell us during the ckeck-in and we will notice that.
Or is it better to include the authorisation in the registration form?

I would appreciate it very much if we could do the whole thing through Indico. It’s much better than having papers signed on site.

Best regards from Mainz,

Best regards,

Yes. Some people may complain months after the event. So it’s better to have a “written” agreement. You can add a description of what will happen, so they won’t say “oh, I didn’t know!”

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A common practice is to publish a consent by default on the conference website.

In this way whi accept to participate, must comply.
Hope this will help

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Thank you very much!

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Dear Nik,

Thank you very much. This helps a lot!
