Advanded External Search Service/ plugins citadel + livesync


I create this message in order to share information about the Advanded External Search Service in INDICO.

As shown in the indico documentation, standard SQL Search only supports text-based search on titles, description and notes content.
If you visit the indico cern website:
You will notice that they use an advanced external search service, which allows you to search inside documents/files.

I tried to installed the advanded External Search.
I didn’t success but maybe these informations can be useful, if only not to waste your time :slight_smile:

Install the plugins:
#su - indico
$pip install indico-plugin-citadel==3.2.1
$indico db --all-plugins upgrade

Then restart the services celery and uwgi
You will notice that 2 plugins had been installed: citadel and livesync

To activate the plugins: Add the below line in the indico.conf file:
PLUGINS = {‘livesync’, ‘citadel’}

The plugins will be avaiblable in indico:

You will find useful information about this plugins and indico v3 here:
Indico & Citadel Search: A collaboration case study (

Now you need an External Citadel Search Service.
This is where things got more difficult.

I first tried to install citadel server :“ org/install”
But I can’t find the citadel’s API Token, so I can’t use it. If you have more success i’m interessed.

Then I looked at the Cern Gitlab
webservices / cern-search / cern-search-rest-api · GitLab

I don’t have Openshift skills (my docker knowledge ends with Docker-Stack).
So I give up there.
I whish you more success. Feel free to share your successes :slight_smile:

Best regards

Welcome to the wonders of names in the worldwide web.

The citadel you found is something completely different, take a look at

Maybe this will make things easier.

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