Account deletion or blocking


Is there a way to block or delete accounts that have not been used for a long time. I know I can block them individually, but is there a way to script this or update the database directly?

Thanks for any help.

You’d need a custom script to do that. Simply set user.is_blocked = True and commit.

Could also create an Indico plugin with a task that takes care of this e.g. once a day.

PS: What’s the point of blocking inactive accounts? It means if they ever want to login again they have to contact you to get unblocked… Unless this is about people who are no longer with your organization and thus won’t have any need to use your Indico anymore…


Thanks. Our IT security people say we should not have inactive accounts available.



It would be better to send a notification to inactive accounts to inform them that their accounts will be suspended because of inactivity.