Abstract submission counter reset


I am completely new to INDICO. We setup a conference in the CERN Indico implementation.

As we are new, we run some test, submitting abstracts/papers that were deleted.

How can I reset the abstract ID to zero in order to account only the real submissions?



Hi, that’s not really possible in the indico interface.

However as the service managers we can do that directly in the database if you really want to reset the counter.

Please contact indico-support@cern.ch with the link to your event. Also, make sure that you deleted all abstracts and contributions (those share their IDs). We can then reset the ID counter for you.

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Hello @ThiefMaster

I sent the email with the information requested.

Thanks you very much.


Hi @ThiefMaster
We have a use case for starting abstract IDs with a specific number. for example the abstract ID start from 202341. So, we need change the starting abstract ID number from the database if possible.


Not possible. Especially not the database ID shown only in the URLs. This is a global ID increasing and not even tied to the event.

The friendly ID show in the UI could be reset via the database (via indico shell) if there are no abstracts/contributions for the event yet, but it’s not recommended at all.

In case you just mean within the event, you can use this in indico shell to change the counter:

E(12345)._last_friendly_contribution_id = 202340

Afterwards, for the event with ID 12345 the next “friendly id” for an abstract/contribution will be 202341.

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Thanks for your quick reply,
I tried the code in indico shell without any error but still the id start at 1.

from indico.modules.events import Event
E(1)._last_friendly_contribution_id = 202340

Did you create the abstract after changing this?

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I just disabled and then enabled the abstract, and it worked perfectly.