Abstract reviewing workflow

Our conference is scheduled for the second week of April. I have convinced our team to use indico for it but we still have to get accustomed to it.
We are expecting about 800 to 1000 abstracts to get submitted during the next 6 weeks. We have 10 reviewers and 10 tracks. We used to assign 100 abstracts per reviewer.
I think I will give these reviewers conveners rights so they can change tracks if needed.

Questions :

  • how can I detect duplicate abstracts?
  • can you propose a better way for handling this amount of abstracts?

And thanks a lot for your impressive work

Edit : is it possible to bulk move abstracts submitted for reviewing to a track from the abstracts list view or should it be run from the cli?

We already have 500 submitted abstracts. I forgot to make the track choice mandatory. Most of the submissions don’t have tracks.
I have to assign the reviewers during this week.
Is there any way to move multiple abstracts to a track?
Thanks a lot

I will try to use the api in a bash script on a test machine before doing it on the production server