Testing the migration from 1.2 to 2.0 - help needed!

As you know, the main change in Indico 2.0 was the replacement of ZODB with Postgres. While at CERN this migration happened smoothly, through a series of intermediate releases that had both databases working in parallel, we decided we wouldn’t impose the complexity of such a solution on the community. That’s why we conceived the migration between 1.2 and 2.0 as a single step. You will be give a one-shot migration script that will allow you to smoothly migrate to 2.0. We have such a tool already, and that has proven to work quite well on our test databases, but we’d like to be close to 100% sure about its effectiveness and the fact that there is absolutely no data loss. In order to do so, we’ll need to have a wide sample of ZODB databases. That’s why we put together a group of Indico administrators who would try it out on a copy of their databases, thus being able to provide us with feedback on the migration process.

If you are interested in helping out, feel free to post on this thread. I will also update it with new information regarding the progress of the tests.

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The instructions on how to run the (experimental) migration script can be found on our new documentation site:


Right now, the most important thing for us is to make sure that the actual migration of data works fine. This means that you should jump over steps 3 and 4 (Debian/Ubuntu) or 4 to 6 (CentOS) of the installation.

We highly recommend that you try this on a different machine from the one you use in production. That will minimize the probability of accidentally damaging your current Indico setup. The best strategy is to copy your whole /opt/indico directory to the target machine.

If the migration tool runs successfully (which we hope will be the case), you can make a quick test to confirm that all events have been converted. Just run ‘indico shell’ and then:

>>> Event.query.count()

This should return the number of events contained in your Indico server.

Once everyone is done with the migration of the data, we will post the instructions for the next phase: checking if the data is complete and consistent.

Just curious: Should this be moved/attached to Administrators / Migration 1.2 to 2.0 now?
(And maybe completed by some more instructions or the pointer to the final doc?)

Well, the idea was to try and make it more visible. The “Administrators / Migration…” category should be used for people to ask for help.