Summary of reviews


I feel this is a feature request.

As a convener (and maybe reviewer), it would be nice to see a summary of the reviews thus far (under {event}/abstracts/reviewing). It doesn’t seem to be possible right now.

It would be great if something like the “score” field that can be viewed in the {event}/manage/abstracts/list interface can be added, or a summary of the proposals (for talk, poster etc).

You may be interested in this, which should be part of the next release:

Is this what you are looking for?

It does look very much like what I am looking for! When roughly would it be released? To be fair, we are going to go through reviews now but I definitely think it would be helpful for future reviews.

We’re planning to deploy it at CERN in early June, and usually our users find a few (generally small) issues that weren’t noticed during development/testing. So I think late June / early July could be a likely time for the “proper” 2.2 release to the whole community.

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