Some elements are not show in Chinese when print badges and poster

In Indico3.0, When I print badges and posters into PDF, all elements contain Chinese , some elements are printed in chinese, some element are not printed in Chinese in PDF. For exmple, event title, chairs, venue are not printed in Chinese in PDF.
How to make all of elements show in Chinese ?

Thanks a lot ,

I think you need to add a font that support Chinses. Please refer to the following post for adding a font:


I refer the post to add Chinese fonts. Here is what I did.

(1) I put the Chinese fonts uming.ttc into indico_fonts directory

(2) I add the line in /indico/legacy/pdfinterface/
+137 pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont(‘Uming-CN’,os.path.join(font_dir, ‘uming.ttc’)))

(3) I add the line in /indico/modules/designer/
‘Uming-CN’: [‘Uming-CN’, ‘Uming-CN’, ‘Uming-CN’, ‘Uming-CN’]
(4) The line is in the file /indico/modules/designer/templates/ template.html

(5) I restart all.

I still have the same badges. Some of Chinese cannot be printed in badges in PDF.

Is there any other things needed to be change ?

Thanks a lot,

I correct my last message
(4) The line is in the file /indico/modules/designer/templates/ template.html

Hi, I’ve got the same problem as you did. And I upgraded my indico service to the latest v3.2.6, which says Chinese letters in pdf rendering are supported. But still can not display any Chinese characters in exported PDF. Do you have any solutions?

The changelog entry is about LaTeX-based PDFs. This does not include posters/badges.

I got the problem when I tried to export a conference timetable (which contain Chinese character)to pdf. Can I solve this by adding the fonts to the source?