Room Booking Module: Capacity & Limits

Hello there,

we are evaluating indicofor the room management/booking at our university. Thiefmaster was so friendly to tell me that CERN currently administers 231 rooms with indico. My question is: Do you think indico will also be able to handle a tenfold increase of this? Or does anyone else have numbers for me?

I’ve heard that roombooking is overhauled in 2.2. - does this impact the “capacity” or “limits” of the module maybe in some ways?


(As this is kind of an interesting thing for a lot of people, I moved this discussion from IRC to this place)

With 2.2 we use pagination / selective rendering in places where performance would be bad otherwise, so theoretically it should be fine to have that many rooms. We haven’t tested on anything bigger than our own DB yet - but probably we should!