We skipped the indico-extras package and proceeded.
In the migration step, the command
python2.6 -c “from MaKaC.common.db import DBMgr;
DBMgr.getInstance().startRequest(); from MaKaC.modules.base import ModulesHolder;
del ModulesHolder()._getIdx()[‘upcoming_events’]; DBMgr.getInstance().endRequest()”
failed with a ‘KeyError?: upcoming_events’ error, so we skipped this also (as it is suggested to).
So the only operations in migrating from 0.96.2 → 0.97 were the two re-indexing scripts.
Now, we are attempting the migration from 0.97 to 1.2.2 based on the forum reference, and got the following output:
This script will migrate your Indico DB to a new version. We recommend that this operation be executed while the web server is down, in order to avoid concurrency problems and DB conflicts. Are you sure you want to execute the migration now? [y/N] y Executing migration... Probing DB connection... DONE! # Adding new plugins and adapting existing ones to new name policies (0.98b2) DONE # Reloading all plugins (0.97) DONE # Fixing AccessController for categories (0.98b) DONE # Adding missing attributes to conference objects and children (0.98b2) DONE77 97.111913%] 91 Bi-weekly meeting # Migrating database tasks from the old format to the new one (0.98b) DONE # Replacing the conference dictionary in the Category objects by a OOTreeSet. (0.98b) DONE # Replacing category date indexes. (0.98b) DONE # Create category date index without visibility. (0.98.1) DONE # Initializing/updating index catalog (0.98b) DONE # Initializing room blocking indexes. (0.98b2) DONE # Initializing room+day => reservation index. (0.98.1) DONE # Migrate the reservation notification system. (0.98-rc2) DONE # Replacing en_US with en_GB. (0.98b2) DONE # Installing new TPLs for meeting/lecture styles (0.98b2) DONE # Modifying Room GUIDs (0.98b2) DONE # Add missing location info to slots of a session that contains location or room (0.98.1) DONE77 97.111913%] 91 Bi-weekly meeting # Creating new "All Requests" index (0.98.3) Collaboration plugin not usable - jumping task DONE # Migrating Chat Room index to new structure (0.99) IM plugin not usable - jumping task DONE # Removing TimedLinkedEvents (0.99) DONE # Moving from OAI Private Harvesting to a more general IP-based ACL. (1.0) Migration failed! DB may be in an inconsistent state: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/indico/bin/migration/migrate.py", line 1105, in main dry_run=args.dry_run) File "/indico/bin/migration/migrate.py", line 1051, in runMigration task(dbi, withRBDB, prevVersion) File "/indico/bin/migration/migrate.py", line 619, in ip_based_acl ip_set = set(minfo._oaiPrivateHarvesterList) AttributeError: 'MaKaCInfo' object has no attribute '_oaiPrivateHarvesterList'
We don’t see this error happening on the previous forums.
What is this error?