Internal Server Error after Indico installation

I doubled checked the base url in the configuration files and they have the correct on. I change this files:

Then a create a new cert with the new hostname
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -subj /CN=YOURHOSTNAME -keyout /etc/ssl/indico/indico.key -out /etc/ssl/indico/indico.crt

And then restart the services
systemctl restart uwsgi.service apache2.service indico-celery.service
systemctl enable uwsgi.service apache2.service postgresql.service redis-server.service indico-celery.service

Which URL do you use to access Indico? How does loading the images fail (which error code)?

I use the default Public DNS IPv4 generated by AWS.
Some images look like this

You need to check the source of the image to see the error page, or your browser’s dev tools. Alternatively, post the IP here (or DM it to me) if it’s accessible from the public Internet.

In the console I see that returns a 404 error code when trying to access a file called logo_indico_bw.png, I looked into /opt/indico/web/static/images/ and I found there the file, but I don’t know if it’s the correct path. Y also checked the permissions of the file and every file inside images has -rw-r--r-- 1 indico www-data.

This is the DNS I used to acces the site:

Looks like you are missing the https:// in your BASE_URL

Oh yes, I never noticed that. Now it loads correctly. Thank you so much for your time and patience