How to delete contributions to an event without deleting the paper and reviews

Need to remove from the contribution list the rejected papers but without deleting the papers uploaded by the authors and with this also the reviews and judge comments. I observed that the abstracts are not deleted if I remove a contribution. I want to keep the papers also.

Hi @Viktor_Szalai ,


The abstracts are not deleted when a contribution is removed by default. You can however remove the abstract & its linked contributions through “Call for Abstracts”.

I’m a bit confused by the part “remove from the contribution list the rejected papers but without deleting the papers”. I am assuming you are referring to the Editing or Peer Reviewing module? If that is the case, removing those contributions will not keep these entries or associated papers. There’s no way to achieve this, the abstract is distinct, while the paper is part of the contribution. May I ask what was your use case? Perhaps we can suggest an alternative.

We are using the indico platform to organize a conference. In the paper peer reviewing workflow, the papers have 2 states: accepted or rejected. We are interested in filtering them by these 2 states in the contribution list and we are not able. We need to filter the papers in the contribution list to select only the accepted ones to export and publish them, or select just the rejected ones to send notifications to the authors.