How to customize the From line for logger emails


I just realized that the logger emails sent to the support address when an error occurs appear as coming from a non existing host (indico-test instead of indico) according to the From: line. I have no clue where it is coming from and this can be changed…

Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers,


WORKER_NAME in indico.conf, which defaults to the fqdn/hostname of the machine

Which is strange because on the Indico host, I have the following:

[root@indico ~]# hostname
[root@indico ~]# hostname -f
[root@indico ~]# host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

And no WORKER_NAME defined in indico.conf… I may try to define it to fix the problem but I’m wondering what is causing it…

Yes, usually this setting is not in the config so the default value is used:

I understand… but there is clearly a problem on our instance and I’d prefer to fix it rather than hide it (by defining WORKER_NAME explicitly)… Do you have any suggestion of a small test script that I could run to see if I can reproduce the problem outside Indico?


I think I found the problem… Indico is hosted on a VM whose system image has indico-test as a hostname and the actual hostname is set during the VM contextualization with httpd restarted afterwards. I guess that we also need to restart indico-celery and uwsgi, is not it?


Yes, default values (and the config file in general) are only evaluated once during startup.