Customize Room Booking email footer


I’m trying to customize the email footer of Room Booking.
I created a file in my CUSTOMIZATION_DIR named email_footer.txt with this content:

{% extends ‘~rb/emails/email_footer.txt’ %}

Best regards,
My custom signature
{{ url_for(‘rb.roombooking’, _external=true) }}

But when I receive an email from Room Booking, the signature is still the default one.

I customized the cancellation_email_to_manager.txt and this one works fine… What am I missing for the footer?

The full path of my email_footer.txt file is:
And for cancellation_email_to_manager.txt:

Thanks for your help!

This template does not have blocks, so you must not extend from the original one but fully replace it:

Best regards,
Your custom signature
{{ url_for('rb.roombooking', _external=true) }}

Thanks a lot, it works perfectly :slight_smile: