Conference event timetable without showing time

I am testing a indico installation on a virtual Ubuntu server. I am a linux noob but following your installation instructions everything worked perfect! I had some difficulties setting up good backup routines to upload the database and the files to a remote server, but after some tweeking I managed to get it working.

My question is this: How do I set up a conference event in similar style as the CERN FC theme: without showing the time in the timetable overview? I tried to borrow .css file from the CERN FC theme but I did not get it working (maybe I used the wrong .css file).

Hi, we currently do not provide a theme without times in the indico core. In principle you could build the cern themes plugin yourself which includes the FC theme, but you need a development-style setup for this:

I might be able to customize the CERN theme. How do I imploy a development-style setup and where should I place the files?

Make sure to use the 2.2-maintenance branch of both the main Indico repo and the CERN plugins repo.
Then build a Python wheel from the plugin:

./bin/maintenance/ plugin ../plugins/cern/themes_cern/

After that, copy the *.whl file from dist/ to your server running Indico, pip install it, and load the plugin in indico.conf using PLUGINS = {'themes_cern'}

Note that this enables ALL the CERN themes, not only the FC one. So it’s probably not an amazing idea for a non-CERN-related production indico server.

A better option would be contributing a PR to the core of Indico that adds a simple version without the times.

Maybe with my limited linux knowledge I should do without this functionality for now. You are probably right that using the CERN theme for a non-CERN related production is not a great idea.

A wished for option for the future might then be to have a selection option in the menu to hide the time in the timetable.

Thank you very much for your support for this great software.